Zoltan Albert

Front-End Web Developer


A pic of me I'm a front-end web developer with a passion for responsive and performant websites. I want to be always learning. This past year I've graduated from Udacity's Front-End Nanodegree program and I'm completing Coursera's Fundamentals of Computing Signature Track. Things that I'm most excited to learn and study next: Node, React, and functional programming.

My cat Leo Other things about me... I've taught English while living in Budapest, Hungary, which is where I first dabbled in HTML. I'm also a Navy veteran that worked as Chinese Linguist with a Top Secret security clearance. During that time I also created and delivered the HTML/CSS course required for all NSA civilian and Joint Service personnel that were tasked with maintaining internal web pages at our site. And, I've also worked for Amazon where I was involved in process improvement initiatives that have influenced customer service policies for all of North America.

My cat Lui Currently, I've been devoting myself to coding and learning. I left Amazon, and moved to a homestead in TN. When I'm not coding, I'm making sure that the garden is producing, the chickens are safe from predators, and that the goats haven't gone on the lam.

I also have those two cats. They're alright.

A picture of my little homestead


Pic of Unit Testing with Jasmine Project

Unit Testing with Jasmine

Pic of What's Happening Project

What's Happening Web App

Snapshot of my Resume page

Interactive Resume

A pic of my Frogger clone

Bugger (Frogger Clone)

A pic of my PageSpeed Insights score

Website Optimization

Snapshot of my note taking app page

Note Taking Webapp

A snapshot of my asteroids clone

Asteroids Clone

A snapshot of my Blackjack clone


Graph Comparing Clustering Algorithms

Comparison of Clustering Algorithms