I'm a front-end web developer with a passion for responsive and performant websites. I want to be always learning. This past year I've graduated from Udacity's Front-End Nanodegree program and I'm completing Coursera's Fundamentals of Computing Signature Track. Things that I'm most excited to learn and study next: Node, React, and functional programming.
Other things about me... I've taught English while living in Budapest, Hungary, which is where I first dabbled in HTML. I'm also a Navy veteran that worked as Chinese Linguist with a Top Secret security clearance. During that time I also created and delivered the HTML/CSS course required for all NSA civilian and Joint Service personnel that were tasked with maintaining internal web pages at our site. And, I've also worked for Amazon where I was involved in process improvement initiatives that have influenced customer service policies for all of North America.
Currently, I've been devoting myself to coding and learning. I left Amazon, and moved to a homestead in TN. When I'm not coding, I'm making sure that the garden is producing, the chickens are safe from predators, and that the goats haven't gone on the lam.
I also have those two cats. They're alright.